Emerging Hearts Contact Improvisation Dance Camp UK

A great opportunity to discover the magic of contact improv!

The contact improv camp organisers say:

‘Many of us have this innate desire to dance and be together, especially at this time where we may have missed or longed for these connections.  To sit around warm fires under starry skies. To be curious about life that can be explored through our bodies, and to appreciate the simple pleasures of eating, laughing, and playing together as friends.

Emerging Hearts CI Dance Camp is a space to come together for this experience. An intimate gathering that can enable us to gently come forth through our dance, especially in light of the year we have had. It is a Contact Improvisation inspired gathering, to explore this amazing embodied practice along with a variety of creative, somatic and sound-based workshops all within a safe and held environment.

We will eat together, gather around the fire together, look after the camp together, and of course dance together – living in community, with space, with holding, and supporting us to honour and work with our boundaries.  Being a place where we can soften, expand and re-define ourselves, to emerge within this ever-evolving space.

Whether you’re curious and new to Contact Improvisation or a seasoned dancer, join us in this co-creative embodied experience that promises to bring closeness and connection on a deep human level.’

Learn more about Emerging Hearts Contact Improvisation Dance Camp!

contact improvisation camp festival