Northern Green Gathering TBC

Northern Green Gathering is a Family Friendly celebration of life where Power is sourced from Wind, Solar and Human (on Bikes) power.

The retreat organisers say:

“Nature is the key to the Gathering and our shared vision is to encourage and help empower Sustainable Living.  We are looking  forward to gathering again this year for more NGG magic, re-creating the friendly atmosphere that we always have, where everyone can make lifelong friends and connections.

Practical Engagement and Active Participation are the themes for our event and for the Workshops.Bring your tent or camper van and stay on the lush meadows of this organic farm in the beautiful Derbyshire Dales, at a cost little more than the average campsite.

Our Gathering is always run on Greenfield sites. It is powered only by renewable energy. We have a children’s area and parades, workshops for crafts, sustainable living, music, campaigns, a healing area, sauna and a communal bonfire. There is a policy of only organic food from our cafes. We always have lots of artwork around the site and gardens. Traditionally on a Saturday night we have a camp ball where people can let go and plunder the dressing up box.”


Learn more about Northern Green Gathering